Welcome to the Farm

Let Your Music Grow

At M.A.D. Witch Farms we like to grow music. You can manufacture it for highly commercial purposes if that’s what you want, but we prefer something more organic. We treat music like the living thing that it is, and we approach recording with patience and appreciation for the process.

We take good care of your music, giving your seedlings a safe and encouraging space to find their light. We’ve got tools for all seasons, whether you’re germinating a new seed of an idea, harvesting a whole album, or composting some old stems to grow some new sprouts.

Everything you need

Whether you’re recording, writing, or just wanting to jam - you’ll find the right magic at M.A.D. Witch Farms. We have a beautiful collection of vintage and contemporary state-of-the art instruments, microphones, and recording equipment to give you all the tools you need for any project. Our team is made up of professional songwriters, producers, composers, engineers, coaches - all the supporting cast to help you create your dream project on your terms.